In the tarot deck, there is a major arcana called 'The Fool'. This card depicted a man jumping off a cliff who is smiling and willing to do so. That is because the man on the card has faith. The faith that if he were to take a leap towards his desires, he will find that the Divine will be working with him along his journey. A fool only becomes a fool if they have no faith.
This description is the mindset we have to shift to. We have to have faith that things will work out in our favour. We deserve success, happiness, joy and contentment and to feel optimistic about life. We deserve it.
Taking a leap of faith is not always easy. It comes with anxiety, self-doubt and the thought of uncertainty and the unknown is uncomfortable. Although that is where we gain a level of courage and bravery, from embarking on actions that were attached with anxiety and self-doubt. Instead of letting those run and dictate our actions. We stare it right in the eye and jump to our desired action.
It doesn't matter how it looks from the outside because we know deep within us that the actions we took had devil energy attached to them. Those energies that stopped us before and not embarking on something new because of fear. Which then we later regret not taking those actions. We can let fear run our lives. We can not let fear stop us from living the life we deserve. Our visions are something not everyone will understand but it's okay, as long as WE understand them, see them, feel it and believe that it is ours!
Hard work always pays off. Working hard isn't what we have been conditioned in. It's not about burning our self out and constantly moving. It is also about taking a rest and sitting with our mind. So we are able to recoup and reflect back on the actions we have taken. During that period we can observe what is working and what isn't. Whether we have to take a different approach or continue what we are doing as it's working out for us.
Rest is an important part when we embark on our passion or any projects we start. We can not burn our self out and be on the move constantly as it's not healthy for body, mind and soul. Those three aspects of our inner being are needed in union and need to be acknowledged. The three aspects need to be healthy to be able to in union. We can not neglect one or another. As one dims down the rest follows, like a domino effect.
A lesson I'm coming to terms with is the need to let go of not just in the context of relationships but also an environment, phase or anything in our life that is no longer compatible or serving our highest good. Meaning that there is an imbalance between the two. It doesn't mean the love isn't there, it just not meant to be and it's not meant to stay in our life. It only came to teach as a lesson and help us ascend to the next phase of our life.
In the context of relationships letting someone go when we desperately want to be in union with them can be hard. We have this little optimism and faith that it'll happen. Which I believe is normal, having optimism and faith for anything is a must. Especially when we do not know the outcome of the situation.
Taking a leap of faith into proceeding and listening to our heart is okay. It's actually a way that we live with no regret. When we finally stop listening to all the logical things of the what-if and the list of reasons why it doesn't make sense or it wouldn't work. We then begin to listen to our heart and what our soul is yearning for. Emotions are a way of our soul communicating with us. Some emotions don't make sense and we're not even sure how one arise, especially if it’s in the context of loving someone. Although there is this feeling we can not shake off, no matter how long that list of the logical reasons not to proceed might be.
This is when there is this imbalance of the mind and the heart. It’s usually a blueprint and programming that we are either following consciously or unconsciously due to the attachments of fear, self-doubt or lack of self-belief in oneself.
Personally, for me, I have self-doubts, fear and attachments that come with wanting to control an outcome. Because I believe that when we have a sense of control over something there is comfort and power that comes with it.
If we were able to control the outcome in any situation we took a leap of on, everyone would go after what they really desired.
Although that's not the case with life. The magic is in the actions we embark in when taking those leaps of faith. When we finally listen to what we really desire and stop lying to ourself, we live a life with no regret. Instead, we live a life of honesty and optimism. The magic of the Unknown and the part where we gain a level of growth and fragments of our soul from the actions we took. A level of self-confidence and surety because we trusted ourself.
I personally recently took a leap of faith and listened to my heart. Instead of listing a bunch of reason why I shouldn't. I made myself known to someone who I'm interested in. Something I've found is that it's frightening to be that vulnerable and expose ourself to someone, but also to court someone. Courting someone is the beginning stages of wanting to know someone. Although they have to want to be courted or else it's just one-sided. Those types of relationships aren't long-lasting and draining. With me taking a leap of faith into reconnecting with someone, it left no room for what-ifs because I know I tried and went for it. Just because it wasn't reciprocated, doesn't mean I lack anything. It's just not meant to be, it is what it is.
From personal experience, we try to make sense of why we feel the way we do about someone. We can mull it over in our mind and list the reasons why it wouldn't work or why it didn't work. When we begin to listen to what our heart and soul has been telling us and when we take that leap of faith in putting ourself out there; keep doing that. Because that's how we know that we are not going to live a life of regret. We went and listen to what our soul was telling us without knowing the outcome. We trusted ourself enough to be brave and go after what we wanted. Living a life of no regret and no what-ifs.
Even though it's scary and uncomfortable putting ourself out there in any situation. We can not let fear run our lives and dictate what actions to take. Without fear we never gain courage. What changes the fear into courage is the action(s) we take towards that fear of ours. Just understand that our fear shouldn't stop us from achieving and going after what we truly desire in life.
In the context of putting ourself our there to a romantic interest; when our feeling does not get reciprocated it, don't ever let that stop us from expressing ourself and embracing love. Just because someone can not see the amount of love we can give or our worth doesn't make us 'unlovable' nor are we not going to attract someone with the same passion and desire we have. What we put out to the Universe ALWAYS comes back to us.
Rejection is sometimes protection, either from going off our path, experiencing a love that would throw us off our course and divine journey. Either way, whatever the protection might be, we are not going to fully see it clearly until one day unexpectedly we stumble upon someone or an opportunity that will clarify why certain things didn't work out in the past.
I do believe in faith and we do stumble upon destined and fated events along our journey. - You know those moments and experiences where we are just at the right time and place? When see witness something incredible like staying a little longer at the beach and we witness the most beautiful sunset. Or when we are out and about and we witness nature doing its thing. With animals in their natural habit and its a moment, we weren't able to capture on our phone. Although that feeling attached to that experience lives on within is.
Those little things that create a huge ripple in our life. As we give out the energy of gratitude and appreciation for what nature can do (such as sunsets).
That same energy we give out; we'll receive back in some shape or form. Through energy, vibration and frequency are the Universes language, a language each and one of us are attuned to.
If we haven't worked a connection with the Divine, God, Universe or whatever label we put on the higher realms of the consciousness; at least give that faith to ourself. Feel, see and believe that whatever we are working towards is going to work out in our favour. Remove giving up as an option because it never will be one, only if we make it one.
The journey towards our desire is going to have up and down, doubts, challenges, optimism and success. Don't doubt our journey, it is never about the destination. It has always been about the journey.