Spiritual Warefare

The Shadow Within Our Spirit

My experience with my spiritual awakening was that spirituality was far from being just love and light. The beginning stages of a spiritual awakening it was dark, sorrow and I thought I was losing my mind; that I was going 'crazy'. I learnt that spirituality had its shadows and we also had a shadow.


At the time I was unpacking my toxic behaviours, my narcissism, my co-dependency and the lack of love for myself. I was healing the part of myself that resonated with all the trauma responses that manifested themselves as my 'personality traits'. This was when I stumbled upon the famous psychoanalyst and psychologist Carl Jung. He was one of the grandfathers of psychology and his work incorporated spirituality into it, which is why I resonate with his work so much.

He theorised the term Shadow Self was an aspect of us that was located in our subconscious and was formed due to the experiences of pain, rejection and trauma. For me this makes sense, we tend to suppress the unpleasant memories we have which are attached with heavy emotions. Where we were conditioned to be a certain way from our family and social dynamics, or else we will not be accepted, loved or succeed in life.

Our shadow is not evil or bad, sometimes we hide gifts, talents and unique personality traits because we experienced rejection, which creates this internalisation of shame and guilt. Our shadow is something not to fear, as it's the fragment of our-self that desires and craves love and acceptance.

Personally, shadow healing has been one of the most profound and empowering types of healing I've done. This was where I learnt to be honest, take accountability, ground myself in my authenticity and self-worth. Realising that our worth and sense of love is something we can cultivate from within. It's not something we can buy online or look for in other people, as they don't define it for us.

With our shadow also comes light. When doing shadow healing it's important to bring the light towards those aspects of our self. To embrace our shadow, we have to learn to give our self-compassion, kindness, acceptance and forgiveness. That the wounds, traumas and rejections we experienced do not define our future or where we are heading.

Spirituality for me has given me closure for my childhood abuse, it's brought me healing knowing that all the pain I went through wasn't for nothing. That now I have cultivated this sense of love, empowerment and wholeness which was by transmuting my pain and traumas.

Having healed aspects of myself, which put me in a position to share and spread the wisdom and healing I have found. Knowing that I am an example to those who might feel as they are lost and their pain defines them because, in reality, it doesn't. This wasn't done just with love and light. This was done by embracing my shadow; the most wounded, darkest and deepest part of myself.

Trusting our process of healing and our spirituality is key. The thing is with spirituality, no two spirits are the same. We might resonate with the person across us, although might not resonate with the person next to us. It doesn't make anyone less spiritual, we are all on our journey; a journey to find what is fulfilling for us, seeking our purpose and reasons we get up in the morning and continue with our lives.

Realising that we all have beauty, light and peace that lives within us and we are simultaneously flawed, imperfect and shadow beings. The gem about the human consciousness is that we were given free will; the free will to choose what we give our attention and energy towards and what we let go of.


The foundation of spirituality is freedom and while our past wounds and traumas still linger around us that sense of freedom isn't there. That is why healing and spirituality go hand in hand. Having to face our darkest and painful experiences and memories have so much power and light within them. The light of compassion, resilience, strength, bravery and courage; those light lives within our darkness and the wisdom we hold from our experiences are the treasures we will not find anywhere else.

When we are put on a path to look within and heal, don't turn away from it, don't drink it away, escape or run from it. Look at it in the eyes, just like the other times you looked at your challenges and hurdles. The times you thought you couldn't overcome them, although you did. Life cannot be rainbows and sunshine at all times. Life has polarities all around us, which includes our experiences. This is why our hard times are there as those are the time we practice our free will, to continue and cultivate more resilience, courage and strength.

Overcoming our challenges and hurdles is always worth it, in the present moment it might not seem like it, although when we get to the rewards of it all, we are grateful we continued and persevered.

Embracing our spirit includes the shadow, don't turn this aspect of our self away as we'll go on cyles to only go back and reclaim it.

Trusting that we all go through cycles and experiences not to break us but to build us to who we truly are meant to be. Inner work is challenging, tiring and at times sh*tty, although the rewards of finding the love within and our authentic self is something we can not buy or will ever find outside of our-self.

To embrace the spirit, we much heal what broke our spirit in the first place. Spirituality has always had shadows and it is not the time to ignore them, it's the time to embrace them and show them the light.

Be Kinder, Less Critical

Leaping Into The Soul

Trauma Healing And Spirituality:

Spiritual awakening is not glamorous and it put us in a position where we have to learn how to let go. To learn to let go, we have to learn to let go of control. We all have experiences where we were unable to let go and wanted to control a situation or someone.

This unconscious desire to want to control everything and everyone is rooted in our childhood. There was a time where we felt powerless and to feel safe or survive, we have to learn to grasp on things we can control. This becomes an unconscious patterning that we bring into our adulthood and not realising that we still carry and play out from those traumatic events and circumstances.

What occurred to us during the childhood/upbringing that made us feel unsafe and put us in survival mode, was not something we are to blame for. We are not responsible for carrying the blame or a burden for something we didn’t ask for.

From personal experience, it became a habit to want to control how others saw me. This means that I had trouble saying no and I’d agree to things that didn’t particularly sit well with me. I became a people-pleaser and it was so easy to mesh myself into a person who didn’t reflect who I am authenticity. This type of behaviour is rooted in my childhood and during the time I was embedded in the idea of being a people-pleaser without being aware of doing it until I hopped on the train to trauma healing.

We don’t realise how much trauma creates and embed itself to all areas of our life; mainly in our personality and how we view ourselves. I’m someone who was spiritually awakened because of the path I went on. It wasn’t psychedelics that ‘woke’ me up, it was my pain and my trauma. Those two aspects of myself that I repressed and buried have been one of the most empowering and the precipice of my spiritual awakening.

Many people who jump into trauma healing find a sense of purpose underneath all the trauma that was covering their identity. It’s because, as we suppressed our pain, hurt and traumas we all so suppressed aspects of our self. That’s what trauma does, it chips away fragments of our self until we don’t recognise our self or feel lost in a world that ones were so familiar.

There is one particular thing I have found that is similar to trauma healing and spirituality, it gets us to jump into the unknown. The unknown of who we are outside of our trauma and the trauma response we labelled as our ‘personality’. The unknown of living a life lead by our higher self, soul and intuition.

Living a life that is lead by our soul and higher self is not as easy as it sounds or looks. It takes time and works to learn how to use our intuition, with that comes practising it and taking actions that may look random or ‘out character’ for those around us; although it’s because when we lead and move base on our intuition and the guidance of our higher self it’s not for everyone to understand nor is it their business, it’s’ for us to learn to trust and have faith in our self.

Having faith and trust in our self is not as easy as it might sound although this is where healing comes in. I believe that we have to heal certain aspects of our self and reclaim fragments of our self before jumping into all the metaphysics and spiritual theories.

Spirit In The Human Mind:

For us to learn to trust our self, we have to learn the reason why we don’t trust our self in the first place. We then unpack them and dismantle them so we can reconstruct them from a place of security and stability. That’s what healing is and using the tools of compassion, empathy, kindness, forgiveness and love. Without those tools, we won’t be able to recreate a foundation that is stable and secure. The intention should be that when we reconstruct a foundation it has to be stable and secure, so we don’t have to dismantle each time something goes wrong in our infrastructure.

That is why I believe healing is part of spirituality. We can't live a life that is lead by our soul/higher self if we can't tap into those aspects of our self and are holding on to self-limiting beliefs and narratives.

[Writing piece going in-depth of Learning To Trust One Self]

There is this concept within the spiritual community that we choose where we are born, our body and our situations etc. In some sense yes, although the way our psyche is constructed within this human body and mind, we forget that we intend to push things to the subconscious for our consciousness to make room for new information.

When we are carrying internalized and unconscious patterning, conditioning, beliefs and behaviours etc. and then tell our self that "we choose this life, we chose these experiences", there is a part of us that feels rejected and will continue to internalize the shame, judgment or rejection we are not even aware of.

This is where Shadow Work comes into play. [Writing piece going in-depth about Shadow Self and Work].

The deep-rooted reasons on why we don’t trust our self, intuition and the suppression of our higher self are located in our subconscious; shadow work is the type of inner work that assist us into looking deeper within our self.

It’s hard and uncomfortable to dive deep within our self as it’s something we might be family with, although when having the desire to live a life lead by our soul and higher self, it’s a must. The rewards of being comfortable and at peace with our self is a reward we can not buy anywhere else and it’s not a reward someone can give to us. It’s a reward only an individual can seek within themselves.

Inner Work And Letting Go:

Spiritual awakening is not just about mediation, crystals, sages, spiritual retreats and psychedelics, it's having to unlearn and strip our self from who we are not and then learn we truly are. The being able to practise those theories about our self in the way we move in our life. Having our beliefs and morals that we preach and tell our self which reflect our movement in life, as it's not just in theory any more.

It's challenging because we have to let go of a lot of control when we begin to live a life soul lead and having to trust our self that we will make the right decision. The thing is I believe we always make the right choices in a sense because in the moment of choosing we tend to not know the outcome or the consequences (if it’s a new option of choice or circumstances). That is why having faith in our self is need when we follow the guidance of our higher self.

When we feel hesitate, it’s having to unpack the reasons why we feel this way. Why we can’t seem to surrender and it’s finding the root cause. As we find the root cause it’s important to know that this process has its process in its self. That we are required to learn to let go during this process of unpacking and be open to the idea that we do not know everything.

The biggest challenge we as the collective are going through is taking a leap and trusting our self. We cannot trust our self if we are holding onto old wounds and ignore them. Trusting our self is an inside job and it’s a job that reaps its rewards when we begin learning to do so.

A lot of things within spirituality and trauma healing is about letting go of control, the past, our outdated behaviours, habits, narratives, self-limiting beliefs, old versions of our self, people and environments that no longer align with who are.

When we sit back and think about it, we actually don’t have a lot of control of many things, although looking around we still did alright. We still manage to get up every day and continue with our lives.

It’s grounding our self in gratitude rather than the things we can not control. Learning to shift our focus and energy to the things we can control gets easier as we continue to practise and learn to trust our self. -

Just like any type of habit it takes time, work, effort and practise till it becomes effortless. Just because we fall back to old habits does not make us a failure, we only fail if we stop trying.

Continue with the inner work and learning to be compassionate, kind, empathic, forgiving and loving towards our self. Reconstructing a whole infrastructure and foundation isn’t an overnight job. Be patience and be open to learning.

Be Kinder, Less Critical.

Unpacking Our Internal Affairs

Topics: Looking Within, Narrative and Beliefs about Ourself, Death of the Ego, Social Conditioning on Higher Levels of Consciousness.

The truth is no one is going to save us from our own internal struggles. That it doesn’t matter how much we depend or put expectations on others about wanting them to heal those as aspects of our self. We were given free will so we could choose the path and the way of our living. God, the Creator, The Universe, the Divine, however, we label the higher consciousness it doesn’t change the fact that we were given free will. - There are entities and other types of consciousness that do not have the best interest of humanity. That they would rather see us give up our freedom with our free will by creating illusions that we have none in the first place. - The war that is occurring within our society today is not with our physical body but with our consciousness. This war has been occurring for many centuries and each time these entities reincarnate on Earth their consciousness also evolves.

We have many things that are not in our control. Such as how our society has been running or constructed. Many of us don’t see how our own programming and conditioning have affected us. That we are not attuned with our intuition due to our own internal battles and struggles. - This war occurring is not about fighting one another. It is breaking out of a mental prison that has no visible cage or bars. Instead, those bars and cages are our self-limiting beliefs, negative thinking patterns, self-sabotaging behaviours, our codependency, narcissistic traits, the lack of faith in ourself and the distorted views of the higher levels of consciousness ie. God. -

Before we should focus on reconnecting with the higher consciousness, we have to reconnect with our own higher consciousness, which is also known as our Higher Self. Each and one of us have this aspect within us. It’s just having to find it underneath all the social, family conditioning and our self-limiting beliefs. It’s healing and reclaiming fragments of our self that we have abandoned due to wanting to accept. When we begin to heal and reclaim fragments of ourself we will begin to see that we are our own hero. - That we were the only person that could have healed those internal struggles. We go along the journey and path so we gain a level of experiences that teaches us aspects of our self. Which are reflected back to us by the people we have invited into our life. Each and one of us are reflecting fragments of our self. Whether we view it as ‘toxic’, ‘negative’, ‘positive’, or ‘beautiful’ those fragments that stand out to us from others are the fragments that we need to find within our self. There is a reason why certain traits or behaviours get us sucked in or drawn in.

Observing how we react towards those traits or behaviours is going to tells us which direction we need to go within. If we were triggered it is most likely that we have to do Shadow Work or if we begin to doubt our self then maybe there is a need to learn self-love and care. With our free will, we can choose to look within and find the root cause of that attraction.

There is a reason why only an individual can heal their internal struggles. That is because only that individual knows what they’ve been through. - With going within there are tools we need to take such as honesty, compassion, open-mindedness, empathy and accountability. Along the way of going within, we will find other tools that we learn during the earlier stages. As each process and cycle, we go through are needed so we can learn or overcome certain circumstances to have a better understanding of our self or a situation. - It’s taking the lessons as valuable gold, as those gold are the key to ascending our consciousness.

With looking within there is not only learning but also unlearning. We get taught certain beliefs or conditioning either about our self, life or how the world works. Those beliefs and conditioning are not always an alignment with who we truly are. - Such as the idea of masculinity and femininity. We were conditioned that each of them was something that was based on our gender or the way we act. Femininity has been suppressed within our society and has attachments that come with that term. So does the term masculinity. When we view both the term in the form of energy and frequency we will come to see that we can hold both of those within our self. Which we do. The definition for both of them is different from what we have been conditioned to think. Feminine energy is simply our intuition, the part of us who are open to receiving from outside of our self, embracing stillness and whereas masculine energy is in the sense the ‘doing’ part, where we use our energy to take actions on what our intuitive messages we have been getting to cultivate those in psychical form. We both need energies to work with one another. We might not even be consciously aware that we are using both. We might perceive that we are only using one because of the definition we hold with both of the terms. - There are other things we need to unlearn during the process of healing, ascension and initially stepping into our power.

Each and one of us hold certain beliefs and narrative about ourself that affect the way we move in life. It’s initially our blueprints on who we are, what we deserve, what we should move toward. Those same blueprints dictate what path to take. When our blueprints are base on lacks, either from a lack of self-love, worth, trust, faith etc. those same lacks are what we are going to settle for. Meaning that when we hold such a negative perception of ourself we will settle in relationships, career, path or life in general. - The narrative we hold and tell our self every day have also shaped those blueprints. That same narratives are what we have cultivated from a young age. What our parents, peers and authority figures have told us about our self. Which are just projection of their own self-limiting beliefs and judgements. The narratives we tell our self are not always conscious; some of them are tucked away within our subconscious and we might not even be aware that we are following them.

There is a process that we go through with healing and going within. This process of finding and becoming aware of our own narratives and beliefs comes with that. With looking within, there is a portion we need to let go of control of. Meaning that not all of our healing can be done when we want it too and not all the fragments that we want to see can be seen. There are a process and timing which we do not control. - Personally, for me I found it ironic, that going through a process of learning control of my own emotions to only realise that I then needed to let go of that sense of control. Which I believe is needed, because it puts us in the process of ‘The Death of the Ego’.

Our Ego is part of our psyche, it’s something we can not ‘kill’ or ‘get rid off’. It’s the part where we learn to humble it down. Meaning reconstructing our position in society. When we are triggered by being awakened, we realise how we are all connected. That each and one of us are just having our own reality and experiences. That’s why we reflect fragments of our self with one another because we are all the same ball of energy. - The way our society has been conditioned and constructed it creates this idea of superiority. That we are better than others if we hold certain status within our society or even relationships. That superiority is attached to material possessions. That we get conditioned to believe that we are nothing but our human body and that once we die all parts of our self are gone. What occurs after our death is something nobody holds hardcore evidence on. It’s just one of those things we know that will occur one day, as life and death are the polarities of a new beginning. -

Our Ego is constructed and conditioned to believe that our value and worth are attached to worldly possessions such as the type of career we hold in society, the relationships we have, the qualifications or the amount of money we hold. When we begin to believe and create a narrative that we are superior to others because of those things we are operating from a place of unawakened Ego. Where we begin to seek out more worldly possessions or chase a certain status to feel worthy or valuable within our self and society.

Our Ego is part of the first layer of our psyche which is our consciousness. That part we can tap into with no problem. The term ‘Death of the Ego’ is a metaphoric experience. As all our transformations and process we go through, there is a sense of death within each and one of them. As we ascend and evolve our consciousness a part of our self dies along when ascending. When someone dies we do not judge them, we simply create a celebration and a time to grieve their time on Earth. That is what we need to do as well when certain fragments of our self are not coming along in evolution.

There are many layers within everyone's internal struggles. We genuinely are the best and biggest expert on our self. We always believe that someone else is going to rescue us from our internal struggles when we are younger only realising that we are the one who comes to rescue ourself. When we offer a shoulder to cry for someone, a compassionate space or just an ear to listen we need to be able to give those aspects to ours elf too. Deep down we have parts of our self that crave to be heard and seen by us, which is rooted within our Inner Child. It’s about offering those aspects to our self as well as others around us. We can choose to take action toward learning to love and be our own saviour. We have free will for a reason. We have that sense of freedom of choice. - Looking within comes with healing not just our self but also the faith in the higher consciousness. Healing is a process and not a destination. I believe there is no ending to healing. We just begin to reconstruct the definition and the term healing as we go along our journey.

We live in a society that uses religion as a way to control the mass population. It also has created divisions between humanity. That we have ranked religious intuition with one another. Where many people operate from their Ego feeling as their religious belief makes them superior to others. - Religion brings a sense of community and belonging. That’s why many people turn towards that direction. There is a polarity that comes with religion, the light and the shadow.

I personally do not agree with any type of institutions that oppress certain groups of people because they do not fit in with their constructed beliefs. When people use God as an excuse as a justification for abuse or horrific crimes, it creates this distortion within the higher levels of consciousness. When people use God as a way to judge others (example) for their sexual orientation or their preference in romantic partners, it creates a division and separation within humanity. These types of judgements and justifications are just small examples of how people manipulate the view on God. It gets us to lack faith in something higher and bigger than us. - It doesn't matter how we label God, we can call it the Universe, the Creator or the Divine. Either way, it’s a Higher Consciousness that we can not even grasp the full concept due to our ‘human mind’. In the higher levels of consciousness there are no labels, as we are all one and connected with the Universe, the Source, the Creator, God.

When going within we need to heal and unpack our belief systems within the higher levels of consciousness that are outside of our self. It’s about seeing why we hold certain beliefs on ie. God and where did they come from? We can label it however we feel comfortable. What is important is that we have to heal and reclaim that part of divinity that is connected to a much higher level of consciousness. It’s about replugging our self to that Source of energy and unhooking our self from the social conditioning of God. - The views on Heaven and Hell are distorted. I don’t see why we couldn’t experience both here on Earth. As we know many people experience Hell. Where they are going through a circumstance every day that makes them feel as they are in Hell or dying. The term Heaven is different for everyone. Not everyone has the same view of what Heaven looks and feels like to them. - Like I’ve stated nobody knows what happens when we die, there is no hardcore evidence on it.

There has been an illusion that has been cast on Earth that this place resembles Hell. - The reason why we ascend our consciousness and reclaim fragments of our self is a way to reclaim the divinity on Earth. Like I’ve stated at the beginning of this piece. There are entities and other consciousnesses that no do have the best interest in humanity. That they will cast illusions and distorted views to fuel their own agendas. - Healing, ascending and reclaiming fragments of our self is a way to reclaim our soul. It’s a way to live out our authenticity and our purpose here on Earth.

Many walk around not knowing their true purpose and they blindly follow the constructed programming that we are given within our social conditioning. When we heal, ascend and reclaim we also receive those aspects of our self. The reason why we are here on Earth, (which is much bigger than us) is to reclaim the divinity that we were all supposed to live by. The war we are fighting is a spiritual one and it’s attacking our divinity and wanting us to abandon our self.

It’s time to reclaim ALL fragments of our self rather than abandoning them. Our authentic and true self is underneath all the social and family conditioning. It’s just digging within our self to find that version and live it out. We all hold such power of greatness, beauty and love within each and one of us. It’s just learning to have faith in our self and trust that the efforts we put into learning to unconditionally love our self and others are being seen. - What we put out into the universe comes back to us, in some shape or form. Begin by embracing ALL fragments of our self, from our emotions, past, present and the fragments we have abandoned.

Sometimes we have to tear everything down about ourself and everything else around us in order to rebuild a more secure and stable foundation that will stand across time. Not all new beginnings are external, some happened within before our external world can catch up.

I believe it is never too late to heal, ascend, reclaim fragments of ourself, go after what we desire or change. - It’s just a matter of choice.




This current pandemic that is occurring has been over-exaggerated. There are people dying that is labelled from 'COVID' although what detail they don't share is that people already have a preexisting condition. Which gave them a higher chance to catch the virus and a low chance of fighting it as they already had a compromised immune system. 

Instead of sharing these details they bombarded us with over the top precautions and tackle it from the fear base announcement. Where being locked in our homes is seen as a 'must' and taking away our rights to freedom. Where they justify it for ‘our safety'. And if do leave our homes and pay a visit to a friend their neighbours will snitch on us to authorities. Just like how Germans citizens snitched on their neighbours if they were hiding Jewish people for safety or if they were Jewish, which then they would get sent to the concentration camps. 

Before Adolf Hitler invaded Poland which started World War 2 and even before he was elected chancellor of German he was well-liked and extremely charismatic. He implemented fear-based propagandas and demonized Jewish people to the point that German people would turn against them. Which was his tactic to create and promote fear to the mass population. Where the Germans would destroy and loot the Jewish people's businesses and where they violently behave towards them because of their race; sound familiar?

If we observe and educate ourselves with what has occurred in our history we see how they use fear and control to 'dumb as down'. If we study how each move of (example) the uprising of Hitler was calculated and needed for the uprising of the Nazi Party and invading Poland which started WW2. We see the bird's eye view on what fear does to people. And how easily they were willing to give their rights and freedom so quickly because of being in a state of fear. Hitler was very patriotic and intelligent. He voiced how much he loved Germany and its people. He also created propaganda in regards to ‘breading out’ Jewish people. With his propaganda, he conditioned the population to be complacent with his beliefs. With his belief, he inserted fear with the propaganda he approved.

Fear propagandas and control tactics have been around for centuries the real beginning of those measures psychologically was in 1712 by Willie Lynch. 

In 1712 Willie Lynch was a British slave owner who came to the colony of Virginia in America. Who recited a letter called 'The Making of A Slave'. In this letter, he speaks of creating friction and separation between the young and old, female VS male and comparing Black slaves to horses. During this time slave owners had become fearful of their slaves as they were creating resistance. So Mr Lynch came up with these diabolical tactics for slavery. Our ancestors have psychically freed us from slavery although our mind and soul are still there attached to these tactics that Mr Lynch has implemented. 

Willie Lynch implemented a psychological tactic to pin us against one another. Because if we are against one other we are more likely and easily controlled. The more we come together and realise that we are all connected we become a stoppable force that these 'elite leaders' are not going to be able to control. 

His tactic including pinning the older generation to the youths creating friction and competition between them. And if observe how the youth interacts and connect with the elders now, it's very far off from how our ancestors were. This tactic has created a separation between the young and old. Where the youth is supposed to look up to the elders and get wisdom as they lived a much longer life. And they have more experience in this area, where they hold knowledge, advise counsel and wisdom from their own journey. Now a day the youth don't seek counsel towards their elders. We've abounded that part of our nature.

There has been a battle between genders. That imbalance between the two forces has created separation and competitiveness. Putting one gender above another when both were made to work together to create heaven on Earth. Where we need each gender to create a world and a life. That both are capable of nurturing and providing. 

Mr Lynch also speaks of how taking a horse out of its habitat and conditioning it to the point the horse will not recognise its own nature. Where it'll be afraid of the sun, the open field and putting them a habitat that they are not accustomed too. Although it's a costume that is useful for 'business'. 

He goes into detail on how to break females and their 'offsprings' in the sense that the mothers will break their own children. Where he described creating a cycle that is going to 'pave a path for future generations’. This letter was created and spoke of in 1712. At the beginning of it all, he says that this tactic will be going on for 'over 300 years', which is 2012 and we are now in 2020. - Where there is a huge mass awakening to what illusions we have been living under. Not just with ourselves but also with everything else around us. Mr Lynch’s' tactic was the foundation of slave psychology. It was the beginning of it. 

Our ancestors put in so much work, blood, sweat and tears for us to be psychically free. Our job now is to free our mind and soul from the invisible cage that we have been living under. We need to first see those cages around us and realise that those are not permanent. That we are as strong as our ancestors and we've inherited their strength, resilience, courage and bravery to embark into this psychological and spiritual warfare that is going on in this moment. 

It doesn't matter what we label it, it doesn't change the fact it is still occurring and happening. That we are still in caged in our mind from over 300 years of conditioning not just from society but from our bloodline. The same conditioning that many of our past bloodlines have tried breaking. They have broken certain cycles that have gotten us to this point in time. We have again and inherited their ability to stand in our power and know they are with us. Protecting us from things we can not see or even comprehend. We have to acknowledge our ancestors and all the ones who broke a cycle in our bloodline. Their efforts may not have been acknowledged during their time. Although guess what we as the present bloodline sees that and need to be able to acknowledge it for them. 

There are so many things we can not see around us and couldn't even imagine on the other side. They don't and can't communicate to us the way we can in our psychical body. They can communicate through it is different over there on the other side. Call it heaven, spirit realm, or whatever we feel comfortable labelling it as; it doesn't change the fact it's still the other side of the psychical/3D realm. 

Mr Lynch's slave tactics did not only affect the Black slaves but also the owners where the 'head' of the family would use it on their own kin. Which then created this cycle of entitlement, egotistical and narcissism. 

That tactic was the beginning of all psychological slavery. Not just towards the slaves, because they psychically rose from it. It started to happen to ALL women. Where they created a sense of separation because of our skin and our genders. - They did this because if each and one of us all over the world realise that we are connected. That the real currency is energy. That the real language of humanity is one that EACH AND ONE OF US CAN SPEAK and tap into which is energy, frequency and vibration. That we need to tap in our emotions to be able to manifest, create and express our true natural nature. 

When we block our own emotions from substance, behaviour, habit or anything that stops us from processing and feeling our true emotions. We create our own blockages within the evolvement of our body, mind and soul. It's not easy to break out of over 300 years of conditioning. We have to remind ourselves that aspect when we are breaking any family or social cycles, patterning or conditioning. This is centuries of patterned conditioned behaviour and it's not supposed to feel easy. These are the cycles our past bloodlines have been trying to break although due to their own life journey they were not able to do so. Although that has given us this opportunity to do it for our bloodline and soul family. 


Image from an Instagram account Indigenous Peoples Movement

Image from an Instagram account Indigenous Peoples Movement